So the kids and I are out visiting my parents in Arizona. We're not too depressed to be missing March in Chicago, and the kids are having a blast doing the simplest things...

Miles on the way to the airport: "Look, we're riding in a taxi, Mommy!" Now it's not like we're constant world travelers, but we do fly relatively often with the kids...somehow it's still a thrill each time. For them, that is.

Kamma (Grandma) had a surprise for Miles: roller skates! He's not exactly "zipping" all over the place, but he is doing WAY better than I'd expect from a three-year-old, and having fun. We may take a trip down to Phoenix for a first roller-rink experience tomorrow; we'll see...

Eleanor wanted to try out the skates, too. For a 22-month-old who's only been walking for about 3 months, I was impressed - her physical therapist, Miss Corinne, would be proud!

Another surprise: a couple of Kamma's young music students brought their violins over for a rehearsal, and Miles and Nora got to "play" them. Miles decided to be shy, but I think he enjoyed it anyway.

Eleanor finds a rock! OK, my parents have a gravel driveway, like most rural Arizona folks, and they also live near a creek with no shortage of stones. But somehow, both my kids find the presence of a rock absolutely boggling - last visit, Miles collected a whole bucketful!

Scooter-ing in the sunshine...

Eleanor explores the puppet theatre during the local library's story hour - Miles was engrossed by Dr. Seuss, she was...less so.
Boppa (Grandpa) has the morning off today, so he and the kids are playing with their balloon helicopter (hard to explain), building giant forts out of fruit boxes (Dad works at a grocery store), and baking brownies, while I get a chance to post some photos. More later!