I'm a sucker for hats. I like them on myself, though I'm not a flashy enough dresser to feel confident in pulling off a nice artsy hat look. That takes a very special personality.
But I can force my kids to wear them!
We went shopping yesterday, and came home with, among other "necessities," a few accessories for the kids. In addition to Nora's Blues Brothers look above, Miles got a cap (note: I just thought it was a cute shape. Didn't realize it was a "skater" cap or what the "SK8" insignia meant).

He also got a brown and white seersucker dressy cap, not pictured. Eleanor wouldn't hold still to model her pink baseball cap or her plaid baseball cap, and refused to even entertain the idea of wearing her floppy blue polka-dot sun hat (possibly my favorite). So much for fashion-show photos; I guess the attention span deficit defeated me.