Swimming (indoors - it wasn't THAT warm) at the rec center, which has a zero-depth kiddie pool with slide as well as one of those rushing-river type winding channels where you kind of float around in an eternal circle? Pretty fun.
Playing with Boppa. Boppa is very creative, and can make even the most mundane things (like this rolling tray, formerly part of a janitor's cart) very exciting. Poor Boppa was pretty sore and exhausted after his mornings on kid-duty, though.
The library! I am really excited to see Miles' reading just take off the last few weeks. He's reading by himself now - Frog and Toad books and the like, and then reading some more advanced books (Nate the Great, All About Motorcycles) with help from Mom on the long words. The love of books is such a huge part of my life and my childhood memories that it brings me great joy to see him embracing reading as well! This stage of life is not QUITE as thrilling as that 18 month-3 year language acquisition stage Eleanor's in the tail end of - learning to talk is terribly gratifying - but for me, it's close.
Hiking to the "lake" (actually a dry creek bed with a few frozen-crunchy puddles left in it, but to my kids, it's a lake. Here we are, throwing rocks in and cheering for ourselves.
For my birthday, Kamma treated me to my first-ever formal English riding lesson. For those of you who don't know, I grew up with horses, and have ridden since I was tiny, but always Western and always just informally, hacking around and (in my teen years) roaming around the central Arizona wilderness. But I've always had that little-girl hankering to ride a really awesome horse through green fields, jumping over hedges or white fences - there are an awful lot of girl-loves-horse books that I was a fan of. Anyway, we didn't really have the green fields, but I did learn to jump a little bit! Yeah, yeah, I know...it's like 8 inches off the ground, this horse could virtually just step over...but it's a start! It really makes me want to get back into the horse community, which is a very time-consuming and expensive place to be. Probably not the right direction for this stage of my life, what with small children and all.