This past Saturday, we were driving home from the Breakthrough men's shelter where we cook breakfast once a month. And it's not in the best part of town, anyone would admit.
Driving north on Homan avenue, we heard a spatter of LOUD gunshots, obviously less than a block away.
Then an SUV who had just turned off Homan into a side street comes squealing out in reverse, looking panicked.
Then a youngish guy comes racing out of there on foot at top speed, also looking panicked.
I have no idea whether the SUV or the young guy were involved in this shooting; I am guessing they, like us, were just passers-by in the wrong place and in a hurry to get back out. But it was my first time actually being an almost-witness to a shooting. A little adrenaline rush. In case you're curious, we decided not to stop and check things out. Maybe not very good-Samaritan-like, but we had the kids in the back seat, after all.
American Dreamer 2019 På Engelska -1080p-FLA
5 years ago
BAck in teh day when we volunteered for Bridge of Hope in that neighborhood we had shots fired across the street from where we were standing- it was surreal- the amazing part was someone had just told us to cross the street right before it happened. Awesome taht you all serve there!! I am goon link to your blog? is that cool? that way I will not forget/loss the address (I am a bit spacey) still open to skype when you have a chance?