Well, I did it. I jogged. Outside. Of my own volition, even. And I'm bragging, at least a tiny bit!
I am "training" for my first 5k, somewhat under duress (or at least under enthusiastic encouragement from my friend Laura the marathoner). Yes, I am doing a Turkey Trot (do they call it that because of what most of us look like when we're jogging?) And training is in quotes because, after all, it is only 3 miles. Not precisely boot-camp strenuous here; any healthy adult ought to be able to do this, right?
And I note, I don't call myself a runner. What I do is not running. It is somewhat between a jog and a shuffle, and slows to a slightly bouncy saunter if a double stroller or a headwind is involved.
So today we had fairly warm weather, and with T-Day looming, I thought I'd try jogging outside to get a taste of what the real thing is like. Up to now I've been managing on the treadmill (one word: BORING!) choosing gym childcare over the double stroller option.
And it wasn't really all that bad! I mapped out my route online, and apparently I went about 2.8 miles in 31 minutes, which is considerably faster than it felt like I was shuffling along. Outdoors with some good music sure beats the gym, though it'll never be as enjoyable as a nice kickboxing class or some Zumba or the like. And aiming for distance or landmarks is WAY better than going by the clock on the treadmill; after all, once I'm to my goal, I have no choice except to run back home, right?
I have realized that I seriously don't have the right gear for jogging outside, though. I was warm enough while I was going, but got home sweat-soaked in my fleece, all-cotton t-shirt, and favorite sweatpants. Nothing wicking here, and I'm freezing now! Time for a nice hot Sunday afternoon bath...
American Dreamer 2019 På Engelska -1080p-FLA
5 years ago
Yay Emily!! You can do it and I will loan you some "wicking" clothes for the real run :)