Monday, August 1, 2011

How kids perceive race?

You've probably heard that, in general, people have more trouble distinguishing members of other races than members of their own, right? That is, white people have trouble telling Asians apart; Asians have trouble telling African-Americans apart, etc.

So we're looking at photos this afternoon, and Eleanor says, "Is that you, Mommy?"

I say, "No, that's Aunt Gina. And we don't really look very much alike!"

Miles contradicts, "But you have the same skin!"

OK, if that's all it takes, I guess we do look alike... For that matter, how many times have I been asked if Miles and Eleanor are twins? And so far, with only one exception, it's never been African-Americans making that comment. So truly, do my children look that alike to white people? Because they don't to me.

Just an interesting point to ponder.


  1. So true! I actually get asked all the time if my boys are twins, and it is usually by non-white people. Eleanor and Miles look nothing alike!

  2. It is interesting that Miles generalized about "white"-skinned people. They both see lots of Caucasian people. And no, you do not look like Gina.
