Thursday, April 21, 2011

brief anecdote

Eleanor: Mommy, do you have your teeth out?

me: (no idea what she's talking about) Um...what do you mean, honey?

Eleanor: Daddy left his teeth out.

me: (still no idea) Are you sure? I think Daddy has all his teeth in his mouth still.

Eleanor: No. Daddy left his teeth at Mr. Dan and Miss Amie's.

me: (light slowly dawning) Oh! Well, yes, Daddy left his BLUEtooth at Mr. Dan and Miss Amie's., but that's a different kind of tooth. Never mind.

And another thing I'll miss when it goes away: Eleanor's "Windy da Pooh." Makes me giggle.

Have been frantically busy lately, but hope to have some time to catch up on blogging, low priority that it is...

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