The family on the porch, in our Easter finery. Scott is of the school of thought that a guy ought to wear a suit on Easter and Christmas, at least, and he's pulling Miles in his footsteps (although I've been far too cheap to actually buy Miles a suit yet). Who would've guessed that the guy I started dating in college - the one who owned one tie and whose "dressy" pants were the corduroy ones without holes - would turn out so dapper?
You can't tell, but I actually was wearing pantyhose, a skirt, and a modicum of makeup! A red letter day for sure.

Eleanor shows off the Easter dress I made her. It has a very fluffy skirt, which she likes, and a giant bow on the back, which annoys her. I am far from a brilliant seamstress, and this was only my second try at going "off the pattern," so to speak. I took elements I liked from two patterns and a couple other dresses I had seen and tried to create my own. It mostly worked.
I note, I am also getting better at braiding. I intended to braid her entire head in sort of a zigzag pattern, but after the first two hours, I decided we'd be in better spirits for Easter if I just left it.
Nora's pink painted toenails and new summer sandals. I didn't notice they had a heel until I brought them home (who puts a heel on toddler shoes? I mean, this shoe was available in a size 5, which is barely walking for a lot of kids.) Oh well. She looks VERY tall now.
The highlight of Miles' Easter basket: a $1 toy that launches a helicopter/fan blade-like thingie into the air. We've already lost one thingie on the garage roof; only two to go.
Encouraging note: I didn't include much edible in the kids' baskets: a pair of socks, a book, a seed kit to plant, a small toy, a box of tic-tacs, 4 mini chocolate eggs (jellybean size), one candy necklace, 3 gummi bunnies, and one egg full of jellybeans. To me, this seemed modest at best (which was my aim). I was pleased to see Eleanor exclaim excitedly, "Wow! We have LOTS of candy!"
Now, how do I help my kids continue to be content with what, by US standards, is perhaps a paltry amount of spoils? That's a question for a lot of areas in life, I suppose: how do we maintain an attitude of contentment in a culture of excess? Something I ponder, but haven't reached any light-bulb moments yet. I'll let you know if I do. (And yes, I do realize this has connections to the food issues that have plagued me for most of my life. No easy solutions there yet, either.)

A big Daddy-hug made everything all better, for a few minutes at least.
The dress turned out great! Miles and Scott look so dashing. You girls look lovely. I hate to miss spring in Chicago. Miss you all.
ReplyDeleteI love Nora's dress. Very nice work :). What a great looking family.
ReplyDeleteThat dress is awesome- I am SUPER Impressed! Great pics! Love 'em! pasaka njema!
ReplyDeleteWow, I didn't know you made Eleanor's dress! Great job!
ReplyDeleteYou rock that sewing machine Emily! You put Gymboree to shame. :)
ReplyDeleteLove the pics, it's awesome to see your family and you all look beautiful. <3